Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Projects...

I am bursting with creative forces both writing and artistic and it is VERY exciting.  I have been having very inspiring conversations with my good friend and cohort Stephanie, about myths and legends and re-writing stories and fairy tales that have got my imagination spinning.  So coming up are some new art projects I am going to start sketching and doodling and working towards completion based off those conversations. (among other things!)

King Arthur legends ala 1920's [and that's all I've got thus far!]
Midsummer Nights Dream portraits [I started this one awhile ago and didn't get very far]
Achelon City maps/history [from my novel]
Peter Pan paintings [say that five times fast!]

And that's probably enough to keep me busy for awhile!  We'll see!



Friday, July 24, 2009

New Horizons...

I just finished my largest watercolor painting to date!! 15x20 inches!!!  

Needless to say it turned out well, and I am very excited!!

Pictures will be forthcoming!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

The Abyss...

I am about to start painting my largest watercolor ever...15x20"...and to be honest I am a little nervous. I have a whole stack of smaller watercolors that I have drawn but haven't painted yet for the same reason...I don't want to mess them up... I think I just need to slap myself and stop doubting my skills, and GET ON WITH IT!!! Sorry for this rather self indulgent, whiney post...I'm going to kick my butt into gear and the rest of this week I am going to churn out two new paintings and a rocking chair for my cousin!! I am-I'm gonna do it! Just you wait and see!!